Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ignited Minds!!!


This is quite an old story, dated almost 10 years back. Then i was in sixth or seventh standard. We were seven friends, seven very good friends-Neeraj, Nikhil, Chetan, Ashish, Sushil, Apurv(my twin brother) and myself. used to study in the same school, class and everything else. Our world was only the seven of us (well atleast to me it was). Very little or no communication with the rest of the people. We used to consider ourselves as some great minds waiting to turn the world around (common childhood thinking of “I can do anything”). Whenever we met, we used to have these huge meaningless discussions about a variety of stuff ranging from everything above the earth to everything below the sky, but never ever we had even a faint discussion on our studies or school stuff or some flashy toy or a new cartoon serial(like the rest of the kids of our age used to have). Back then we celebrated each others birthdays at their respective places itself. The birthday boy's mother used to cook something delicious and we used to feast on them.

This is the story of one such birthday. It was Sushil’s birthday. We all gathered at his house on the scheduled time(actually i remember we all were an hour late and the reason was getting presents for him). The party began and we were enjoying ourselves. And somehow we started a topic on INDIAN POLITICS. Everyone placed his own innocent views on what he thought about politics and the plight of the country due to the corrupt politics. Then suddenly Nikhil came up with the idea of changing the future of this country ourselves. Our entire discussion took a new turn. Some of us opposed this idea while some of us were trying out the feasibility. I was supporting the idea. We discussed almost every way of to launch ourselves on the national platform. How we would form our own political party and getting the entire student community to work with us starting from our very own school!!! We did the math and concluded that it would take us not more than 50 years to completely change the face of INDIA on the world map! The discussion grew intense with every moment. The thought of changing the future was thrilling. For a second we all thought it to be quite easily possible. For us it was only a three step procedure: 1] Just start a party consisting of young children, 2) Do some good work so as to get recognition, 3) Contest the next parliamentary elections, win it and then bang: The future has changed!!

We were so engrossed in it that we started celebrating our win in the elections and weren’t aware of the passing time. It was past 10’O clock when Sushil’s parents (which till then were just listening to us and probably wondering what crap are these boys talking or do they even understand of what they are blathering)hinted us about the time. 10pm for sixth standard boys was like OH MY GOD! Our discussion ended their without a conclusion. And like other discussions this one also got buried somewhere in our minds never to be opened again.

Today when I remember that incident, I wonder is it really possible to change the future within 50 years. If given a thought what would it take to change the future. Well its not that ki India is not progressing or developing. It definitely is. And it would even grow faster if evils like corruption and poverty are removed. So is it really possible to start a political party of young minds coming together for a cause. As we all know, the last elections have shown that people have faith in young blood rather than old war horses.

I know I am talking a lot of ifs and buts but for a start isn’t it possible just to spread the message across the entire student community. We all have orkut and facebook accounts and are linked to like thousands of people. So spreading the word won’t be that difficult! , but how seriously we take it is a matter of concern!!

Think over it, the future lies in your hands……

Good day/ Good nite

1 comment:


    that spoke out something that even i wanna do! its in my blood :P 'entering into politics'
    but there's a difference..

    u guys wanna "make a difference" and i just wanna enter.... if i can 'make a diff' i'll be happy. :D haha..

    but certainly.. a treat it was !! Sushil's b'day treat after like ... 10yrs :D :D

    U guys rock.. :D

    Guys, I AM IN if there's any political party formed :D
